AP Biology Weekly Agenda
Friday Jan 3
Happy New Year!
-Scientific Method/Inquiry
-Scientific Method/Inquiry
Jan 6 - Jan 10
Monday - Bacteria Inquiry Lab
Tuesday - Bacteria Inquiry Lab
Wednesday - Chapter 1 guided notes due
Thursday - Finish Bacteria lab, Chapter 2 and polarity experiment
Friday - literacy, start macromolecule lab
Tuesday - Bacteria Inquiry Lab
Wednesday - Chapter 1 guided notes due
Thursday - Finish Bacteria lab, Chapter 2 and polarity experiment
Friday - literacy, start macromolecule lab
Jan 13 - 17
Monday - work in groups on chapter 3
Tuesday - work in groups on chapter 3
Wednesday - Macromolecule lab
Thursday - discuss chapter 3
Friday - literacy, cell membrane lab
Tuesday - work in groups on chapter 3
Wednesday - Macromolecule lab
Thursday - discuss chapter 3
Friday - literacy, cell membrane lab
Jan 20 - 24
Monday - MLK Day
Tuesday - review and unit 1 test
Wednesday - go over test, review surface area, start diffusion lab
Thursday - diffusion labs
Friday - literacy, discuss chapter 4
Tuesday - review and unit 1 test
Wednesday - go over test, review surface area, start diffusion lab
Thursday - diffusion labs
Friday - literacy, discuss chapter 4
Jan 27 - Jan 31
Monday - go over chapter 4, potato lab
Tuesday - go over chapter 4, potato lab
Wednesday - go over chapter 4, potato lab
Thursday - Finish chapter 4
Friday - literacy, chapter 4 quiz
Tuesday - go over chapter 4, potato lab
Wednesday - go over chapter 4, potato lab
Thursday - Finish chapter 4
Friday - literacy, chapter 4 quiz
Feb 3 - Feb 7
Monday - go over chapter 5, transpiration lab
Tuesday - transpiration lab
Wednesday - finish transpiration lab, review
Thursday - test
Friday - literacy, go over test
Tuesday - transpiration lab
Wednesday - finish transpiration lab, review
Thursday - test
Friday - literacy, go over test
Feb 10 -
Feb 17 - Feb 21
Feb 24 - 28
Monday - start photosynthesis lab
Tuesday - photosynthesis lab
Wednesday - finish spinach disk photosynthesis lab
Thursday - discuss the lab and content
Friday - literacy, finish online cell respiration lab
Tuesday - photosynthesis lab
Wednesday - finish spinach disk photosynthesis lab
Thursday - discuss the lab and content
Friday - literacy, finish online cell respiration lab
March 2 - March 6
Monday - Discuss cell respiration
Tuesday - progress check and review
Wednesday - start mitosis Unit 4
Thursday - Unit 3 test photosynthesis, cell respiration, and enzymes
Friday - literacy, go over test, work on mitosis activity
Tuesday - progress check and review
Wednesday - start mitosis Unit 4
Thursday - Unit 3 test photosynthesis, cell respiration, and enzymes
Friday - literacy, go over test, work on mitosis activity
March 9 - March 13
Monday - discuss the cell cycle
Tuesday - mitosis activity
Wednesday - mitosis activity
Thursday - compare mitosis and meiosis
Friday - Finish mastery for unit 3 test
Tuesday - mitosis activity
Wednesday - mitosis activity
Thursday - compare mitosis and meiosis
Friday - Finish mastery for unit 3 test
March 16 - 20
Monday - Digital Learning to start Tuesday 3/17
Our official office hours are: 10-11am and 2-3pm; obviously email anytime
Tuesday - Please go on canvas, under assignments, and you should see the HHMI Cell Cycle Cancer Activity assignment. I put a link that I believe should bring you to the class website. This is an interactive assignment that you will fill out as you work through the website and online activity. Type your answers and submit them through canvas. I am sure we will have some challenges starting off so I thank you in advance for your patience as we learn to navigate this digital learning tool. Please help your friends and email me or send me a remind while we figure this out.
Wednesday - Work on HHMI interactive assignment
- Start Unit 4 progress check through the college board website
- Watch the signal transduction video: amoeba sisters STP video link
Thursday - HHMI interactive assignment DUE
Friday - Chapter 5 guided notes, on the website Signal Transduction Pathway notes. I understand this material is totally new, watch the videos, do some research as per the notes. Please send me questions as you have them :)
*Progress check for unit 4 due - Moved to Monday
Our official office hours are: 10-11am and 2-3pm; obviously email anytime
Tuesday - Please go on canvas, under assignments, and you should see the HHMI Cell Cycle Cancer Activity assignment. I put a link that I believe should bring you to the class website. This is an interactive assignment that you will fill out as you work through the website and online activity. Type your answers and submit them through canvas. I am sure we will have some challenges starting off so I thank you in advance for your patience as we learn to navigate this digital learning tool. Please help your friends and email me or send me a remind while we figure this out.
Wednesday - Work on HHMI interactive assignment
- Start Unit 4 progress check through the college board website
- Watch the signal transduction video: amoeba sisters STP video link
Thursday - HHMI interactive assignment DUE
Friday - Chapter 5 guided notes, on the website Signal Transduction Pathway notes. I understand this material is totally new, watch the videos, do some research as per the notes. Please send me questions as you have them :)
*Progress check for unit 4 due - Moved to Monday
March 23 - March 27
Monday- Complete the progress check on the college board website. Keep track of questions you have or miss as you complete the assignment. Submit questions through canvas due Tuesday. I am having you submit questions so I can compile information and try to get your questions answered.
Tuesday - progress check questions submitted through canvas. Mastery for unit 4 on college board will be due Wednesday by 4pm.
Wednesday - Adjustments to agenda. I received only about half of your classes questions to the progress check. Some I understand because grades were good and I appreciate even those that did well submitting a comment that they were fine or still asking a clarifying question. I would have liked to seen some questions from people that did not do well on the progress check. Right now, I would like to go through the progress check with peoples questions and create a document to try to explain some of them. I am going to see if I can figure out our to put it in the discussions part so we can have a running dialog of questions and answers. Due to this adjustment, which I hope helps most people, the mastery quiz, which was due today, will be due tomorrow because I would like everyone to do their best on this formative grade. So the mastery quiz, which is a quiz grade in IC, due date will be adjusted in college board. Still contact me if you have questions as you go through the quiz. I will send you a remind when I figure out how to start a discussion thread on canvas.
Thursday (still the same assignment due) - start unit 5, you already have the chapter 10 notes on meiosis. complete the karyotype activity handout in unit 5 and submit your answers on canvas. You do not need to complete the first part of the assignment, questions 1-4, because it goes with an activity in class. Work on 11 and 12 notes and videos.
Friday (still the same assignment) - genetics problems (file is on website in unit 5) due on canvas by Monday 3/30 . Work on chapter 11 and 12 notes and videos.
Tuesday - progress check questions submitted through canvas. Mastery for unit 4 on college board will be due Wednesday by 4pm.
Wednesday - Adjustments to agenda. I received only about half of your classes questions to the progress check. Some I understand because grades were good and I appreciate even those that did well submitting a comment that they were fine or still asking a clarifying question. I would have liked to seen some questions from people that did not do well on the progress check. Right now, I would like to go through the progress check with peoples questions and create a document to try to explain some of them. I am going to see if I can figure out our to put it in the discussions part so we can have a running dialog of questions and answers. Due to this adjustment, which I hope helps most people, the mastery quiz, which was due today, will be due tomorrow because I would like everyone to do their best on this formative grade. So the mastery quiz, which is a quiz grade in IC, due date will be adjusted in college board. Still contact me if you have questions as you go through the quiz. I will send you a remind when I figure out how to start a discussion thread on canvas.
Thursday (still the same assignment due) - start unit 5, you already have the chapter 10 notes on meiosis. complete the karyotype activity handout in unit 5 and submit your answers on canvas. You do not need to complete the first part of the assignment, questions 1-4, because it goes with an activity in class. Work on 11 and 12 notes and videos.
Friday (still the same assignment) - genetics problems (file is on website in unit 5) due on canvas by Monday 3/30 . Work on chapter 11 and 12 notes and videos.
March 30 - April 3
Monday - complete genetics problems and submit on canvas
Tuesday - make sure you work on your genetics notes. The answer keys are posted at CH. 9 and 10 ppt key, ch. 11 ppt key, ch. 12 ppt key. There are extras in there for what we would do in class so just make sure you get the notes.
*make sure you go over the genetics problem answer key posted as well. Let me know if you have questions. There were a number of mistakes on peoples work and the key contains the items that people got wrong.
Wednesday - Face Traits activity - upload the picture of your offspring and data table to canvas
Thursday - Pedigree practice (assignment to come)
Friday - research the genetic disorder of your choice and submit a summary of it on canvas. Your summary should be 7-10 sentences. Put a quick reference to where you found your information at the bottom. Submit on canvas
Tuesday - make sure you work on your genetics notes. The answer keys are posted at CH. 9 and 10 ppt key, ch. 11 ppt key, ch. 12 ppt key. There are extras in there for what we would do in class so just make sure you get the notes.
*make sure you go over the genetics problem answer key posted as well. Let me know if you have questions. There were a number of mistakes on peoples work and the key contains the items that people got wrong.
Wednesday - Face Traits activity - upload the picture of your offspring and data table to canvas
Thursday - Pedigree practice (assignment to come)
Friday - research the genetic disorder of your choice and submit a summary of it on canvas. Your summary should be 7-10 sentences. Put a quick reference to where you found your information at the bottom. Submit on canvas
April 13-17
Hi Everyone! I hope you had a restful and safe break! I believe we will have more info from the county this week on how the rest of the year will go so I will keep you posted. But wanted to go over a few things real quick on the AP exam. If you are planning on taking the exam please use this link to see what the ap exam will cover. It is two FRQ's only and you can see what they will be like. If you are still planning on taking the exam I strongly recommend you start looking over previous FRQ's, especially questions 1-4. Here is the link for previous FRQ's, scoring guidelines and student responses. I will be adding time in for this during the digital learning days and suggesting questions to look at.
Monday - review info for unit 5
Tuesday - complete the unit 5 progress check on college board by 11:59pm
Wednesday - Unit 5 FRQ's - list will be forthcoming
Thursday - start unit 6 - watch the DNA and RNA videos part 1 and the replication, transcription, translation Kahn academy video on the website complete and submit the chapter 13 guided notes on canvas. Notes as well as the lecture/ppt are under the unit 6 tab. by Friday 11:59 pm
Friday - chapter 13 notes due on canvas
*I would like to try to do a zoom at the beginning of next week after you have had a chance to get through more of the content so we can go over everything. Let me know if you would like that :)
*Based on the information from the county, I am currently adjusting grades that were lower than your average as of 3/13 so some of you may see "X's which does not impact your grade. Please let me know if you see anything I miss or if you have questions. Grades can only help you at this point and for those of you that want to improve your grade I will be offering some FRQ mastery for the three summatives given prior to 3/13. The reason for this is that we cannot give new summative grades and formatives only help your grade so much. The FRQ mastery information will come out early next week. We do have material to get through, especially if you are taking the AP exam on May 18. I highly encourage you to work on previous FRQ's, like I sent through remind yesterday. I will continue to do that and as we work through the course content I will budget more time for FRQ practice. It is so important that when practicing the FRQ's you try to answer them, then grade yourself with the scoring guidelines and lastly, read the best student responses (usually A).
Thank you guys for getting your work in and being patient and flexible with everything! I miss you guys and hope you are all well and safe!
Monday - review info for unit 5
Tuesday - complete the unit 5 progress check on college board by 11:59pm
Wednesday - Unit 5 FRQ's - list will be forthcoming
Thursday - start unit 6 - watch the DNA and RNA videos part 1 and the replication, transcription, translation Kahn academy video on the website complete and submit the chapter 13 guided notes on canvas. Notes as well as the lecture/ppt are under the unit 6 tab. by Friday 11:59 pm
Friday - chapter 13 notes due on canvas
*I would like to try to do a zoom at the beginning of next week after you have had a chance to get through more of the content so we can go over everything. Let me know if you would like that :)
*Based on the information from the county, I am currently adjusting grades that were lower than your average as of 3/13 so some of you may see "X's which does not impact your grade. Please let me know if you see anything I miss or if you have questions. Grades can only help you at this point and for those of you that want to improve your grade I will be offering some FRQ mastery for the three summatives given prior to 3/13. The reason for this is that we cannot give new summative grades and formatives only help your grade so much. The FRQ mastery information will come out early next week. We do have material to get through, especially if you are taking the AP exam on May 18. I highly encourage you to work on previous FRQ's, like I sent through remind yesterday. I will continue to do that and as we work through the course content I will budget more time for FRQ practice. It is so important that when practicing the FRQ's you try to answer them, then grade yourself with the scoring guidelines and lastly, read the best student responses (usually A).
Thank you guys for getting your work in and being patient and flexible with everything! I miss you guys and hope you are all well and safe!
April 20 - 24
The college board FRQ progress checks are open for units 1-6. Unit 6 is what we are finishing now so the content is relevant if you are taking the AP exam. The easiest way for me to read your FRQ answers would be if you typed or hand wrote them and submitted them on canvas so please DO NOT answer them in the college board platform. Units 1-3 will be used towards mastery points for your summative grades, anyone wanting to improve can take advantage of the opportunity; I will average your scores. I would strongly suggest you watch the AP review video for unit 1 then do the FRQ. The videos for unit one are videos 10 and 11.
Here is the link to the college board review videos. LINK
The videos do start with evolution and one ecology video which are units 7 and 8. Unit 7 is not on the exam but natural selection is an underlying theme throughout biology so its a good idea to watch them. Budget your time, all of the videos are around 45-50 minutes.
Starting the middle of next week I will have your work be watching the review videos and then working on FRQ's and exam review. It should work out that we get through all of them and review everything before your May 18th exam. If you are taking the exam please read about it and make sure you have all the technology, etc. required.
Monday - work on chapter 14 notes, make sure you have watch the videos, on the website, that correspond to the chapter info
Tuesday - submit completed chapter 14 notes, start working on chapter 15 notes
Wednesday - work on chapter 15 notes and make sure you watch the videos
Thursday - Submit chapter 15 on canvas
Friday - zoom conference for content in chapters 13-15 around 11am.
Here is the link to the college board review videos. LINK
The videos do start with evolution and one ecology video which are units 7 and 8. Unit 7 is not on the exam but natural selection is an underlying theme throughout biology so its a good idea to watch them. Budget your time, all of the videos are around 45-50 minutes.
Starting the middle of next week I will have your work be watching the review videos and then working on FRQ's and exam review. It should work out that we get through all of them and review everything before your May 18th exam. If you are taking the exam please read about it and make sure you have all the technology, etc. required.
Monday - work on chapter 14 notes, make sure you have watch the videos, on the website, that correspond to the chapter info
Tuesday - submit completed chapter 14 notes, start working on chapter 15 notes
Wednesday - work on chapter 15 notes and make sure you watch the videos
Thursday - Submit chapter 15 on canvas
Friday - zoom conference for content in chapters 13-15 around 11am.
April 27 - May 1
It was so good to see you on Zoom Friday! We will do another one soon when I have more info from CB. They are going to be pushing stuff out early this week. It is important you check the email associated with your college board account!
Per our conversation on Zoom I will be getting some unit 1 info together. I cannot stress or encourage you all enough that it is imperative if you are taking the AP exam you need to using your college board account to see practice questions, videos, exam info/updates, and complete the progress check practice FRQs (these are what you will submit on canvas). When answering FRQ's be straight to the point, use vocab in the question and answer only what the question is asking. Please contact me with any questions!
Monday - work on chapter 17 notes, due on canvas tomorrow. watch unit 1 videos on college board and work on progress check FRQ
* the FRQ's will need to be submitted in a document on canvas. Its way easier for me to give you feedback through canvas.
*The review videos from college board are also linked on the canvas assignments. The videos provide a lot of helpful information with regards to answering FRQs.
Tuesday - submit ch 17 notes on canvas, watch unit 1 review videos provided by the college board and work on progress check FRQ
Wednesday - submit unit 1 frqs in a document on canvas, not through college board.
Thursday - start working on unit 2 videos and FRQ (same deal as unit 1: videos also linked in canvas assignment and submit answers on canvas)
Friday - keep working on unit 2 videos and FRQ - there are 4 videos and the FRQ will be due May 4 on canvas.
Per our conversation on Zoom I will be getting some unit 1 info together. I cannot stress or encourage you all enough that it is imperative if you are taking the AP exam you need to using your college board account to see practice questions, videos, exam info/updates, and complete the progress check practice FRQs (these are what you will submit on canvas). When answering FRQ's be straight to the point, use vocab in the question and answer only what the question is asking. Please contact me with any questions!
Monday - work on chapter 17 notes, due on canvas tomorrow. watch unit 1 videos on college board and work on progress check FRQ
* the FRQ's will need to be submitted in a document on canvas. Its way easier for me to give you feedback through canvas.
*The review videos from college board are also linked on the canvas assignments. The videos provide a lot of helpful information with regards to answering FRQs.
Tuesday - submit ch 17 notes on canvas, watch unit 1 review videos provided by the college board and work on progress check FRQ
Wednesday - submit unit 1 frqs in a document on canvas, not through college board.
Thursday - start working on unit 2 videos and FRQ (same deal as unit 1: videos also linked in canvas assignment and submit answers on canvas)
Friday - keep working on unit 2 videos and FRQ - there are 4 videos and the FRQ will be due May 4 on canvas.
May 4 - 8
Please check canvas for FRQ practice.
It is important that you answer the FRQs on a document and then submit them into canvas, please.
I am also sending out the scoring guidelines for you to read over and double check as well. Please ask any questions!
You have 3 FRQ's due this week.
FRQ 2 due Monday 5/4
FRQ 3 due Wednesday 5/6
FRQ 4 due Friday 5/8
Please read the reminds I sent out last week with updates from the College Board. Let me know if you have questions.
It is important that you answer the FRQs on a document and then submit them into canvas, please.
I am also sending out the scoring guidelines for you to read over and double check as well. Please ask any questions!
You have 3 FRQ's due this week.
FRQ 2 due Monday 5/4
FRQ 3 due Wednesday 5/6
FRQ 4 due Friday 5/8
Please read the reminds I sent out last week with updates from the College Board. Let me know if you have questions.